We contract convert for a number of customers using their own materials. Our contract may involve offering slit rolls from supplied log material or laminating your adhesive to one of our own sourced products and then creating sheeted, guillotined or a die-cut finished product.
Our converting projects vary from straightforward slit rolls and simple die cuts using standard tooling to complex bespoke solutions. For complex solutions we incorporate a high level of project management to ensure your timescales are adhered to.
A typical project lifecycle includes:
- A site visit to your premises so we can understand in detail both the adhesive and application requirements which may then involve:
- Adhesive manufacturers’ technical teams (and, if required, laboratory testing of adhesives)
- Application machinery operated by technical teams.
- Finalising the correct adhesive for the application
- Agreeing the presentation format for the finished adhesive product
- Receiving the drawing information or providing you with a digital drawing to approve, based on sample part information.
- Using our CAD Plotter or prototype tools to produce initial product samples
- Generating a sample approval form and sending this to you with initial samples, giving you the opportunity to approve the adhesive solution, as well as the presentation of format, together with any release liner considerations
- Ordering production tooling
- Making an initial production run with us dimensionally checking first-off samples against the drawing
- If required, going through a further sample approval process based on production tooling
- If not stocked, ordering raw material from manufacturer
- Delivering the initial product to you
- Making a follow-up visit, if required, to address any issues or concerns
- Agreeing your schedule-of-parts requirement.
Major milestones will be based on tooling creation:
- Prototype tooling – 48 hours
- Production tooling – seven to ten days.